Opera House Cup News


CYOA Survey
October 10, 2017

Dear OPERA HOUSE CUP Participants,

Thank you for participating in the Opera House Cup Regatta.     We would like to once again congratulate the 2017 OHC winners:   NIRVANA, skipper David Ray for the OHC Cruising Division and VALIANT, skipper Gary Gregory for the OHC Day Racing Division.   

On behalf of Clark Poston, President of the Classic Yacht Owners Association, we would like to ask you to complete this brief survey.      With the close of the 2017 New England classic regatta season, we would like to understand how to improve the experience and racing for everyone. CYOA is looking for feedback from you, the boat owners and participants in order to further refine the rating system and event organization. The feedback will be reviewed by the CYOA technical committee and shared with the organizers of the various events.  Please take a minute to complete the attached survey to help us understand your recommendations for improvements in your experience.    If you have already received this email from another regatta, we apologize for the duplication.

Thank you for your continued support and participation,
Opera House Cup Committee




P.O. Box 2424, Nantucket, MA 02584
NCS Office: 508-228-6600 | Jetties Sailing Center: 508-228-5358
© 2024 Nantucket Community Sailing, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization